Relative sense and absolute sense in Bible
i.e. (1) Absolute sense and
(2) Relative sense. Absolute sense is the sense
of the spirit. i.e. when it is mentioned light, it means perfect light and when
it is mentioned good, it means perfectly
good. The relative sense is the sense of the human beings. In relative sense,
when it is mentioned light, it just means that it is more lit than any other
area of less light. i.e. in comparison with another area of less light, or with
a fixed standard, it is light. e.g. when compared with bright sunlight, the
moonlight is dark. The same moonlight is bright in comparison with a dark
night. i.e. the brightness of the moon is dark in comparison with sunlight and
it is bright in comparison with the dark night. Similar is the case of
mentioning of good, hot, cold etc. Human knowledge fell from the absolute sense
to the relative sense when man ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge.
(1) Spiritual language and (2) Earthly language. This is because
the Bible deals with eternal truths pertaining to human spirit and its Creator,
both eternal; but the Bible conveys its message to human beings who live on the
earth, i.e. having a very short span of life. So a spiritual language and an
earthly language are mixed together in the Bible. Some examples of the Biblical
verses in spiritual language in the absolute sense and some others in the
earthly language in the relative sense are given below.
(i) Spiritual language in the absolute sense
(a) Jesus said: “None is good, but God alone”
(Mark 10:18)
(b) Jesus asked: “Which one of you convicts Me
of sin?” (John 8:46)
(c) Jesus said: “I am the way, and the truth
and the life; no one comes to the Father (God) but by Me” (John:14:6)
(d) “If we (all human beings) say we have no
we deceive ourselves, and truth is not in us”
(I John 1:8)
we deceive ourselves, and truth is not in us”
(I John 1:8)
(ii) Earthly language in the relative sense
following passages are written in comparison with others, as man usually says.
i.e. expressed in human parameters or standards.
(a) “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose
name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God, and
turned away from evil” (Job 1:1 - Explanation is given in ‘Two languages’)
(b) And they (Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth)
were both righteous before God, walking in all commandments and ordinances of
the Lord blameless.” (Luke 1:6- Explanation is given in ‘Two languages’)
the precious words uttered by Jesus Christ touch both the spiritual realm and physical
realm, and hence are true in the absolute sense and the relative sense.
Himself has certified about the Bible, thus- “Seek and read from the Book of
the Lord. Not one of these shall be missing; none shall be without her mate.
For the mouth of the Lord has commanded and His Spirit has gathered them”
(Isaiah 34:16, 17). These verses explicitly state that we can see everything in
the Bible, if we diligently seek and read it. The reason is also given-All the
Bible verses are written by the inspiration and command of God by different men
of different locations, professions, and generations. Later it was compiled by
the Holy Spirit, through some other men. St. Paul has written about this Book-
“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be
complete, equipped for every good work” (II Timothy 3:16,17). i.e. the Bible
verses were not originated from human intellect or any other wrong source, it
originated directly from the almighty God, the omniscient Holy Spirit.
Moreover, everything that is needed for a man to become perfect is contained in
the Bible.
the Bible is written by the Holy Spirit, human intellect is insufficient to
understand and interpret it fully. Man must turn to the Holy Spirit, accepting his limitation,
ignorance, and inability to understand and make use of it. He must never depend
on the human intellect. (More details are given in ‘The Church’). God says:
“But My people did not listen to My voice; Israel have none of Me; so I gave
them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own counsels” (Psalm
81:11,12). When man does not listen to God’s voice, God allows him to depend on
his own intellect. God also says: “If My people listen to Me and walk in My
ways …..I would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the
Rock, I would satisfy you” (Psalm 81:13-16). The finest wheat, honey etc.
refers to God’s words found in the Bible and the Rock refers to God’s Word, Jesus
man tries to learn and interpret the Bible, depending on his intellect, he
loses its essential part- the life, Jesus Christ. Moreover, he fails to
understand the spiritual language and miserably falls to the limited facts
explained in the Bible, in the relative sense. When an un-regenerated man (who
is not yet born again) study and interpret the Bible, all these problems arise
and he will interpret it in the light of his own acquired knowledge,
philosophies of the world and finally he will see the Bible as one among the
good books; Jesus Christ as one among great men and finally he will go astray
after false gods. He will find Astrology, Palmistry and their ilk which are
quite abominable before the living God as pure science. How pathetic a fall it
I was trying to learn the Bible exactly in
the same way, before regeneration, and was in the same pathetic condition
explained above; but my God’s infinite grace brought me to salvation, bought
and cleansed me with His precious Blood. If my Saviour the Lord of all, Jesus
Christ could bring me to salvation, I am sure, He can bring anybody to
salvation, whatever may be his or her present condition.
When a regenerated man turns to the Bible, accepting
his limitation, listening to the voice of God, and depending wholly on the Holy
Spirit who wrote it, he will see the ultimate truth in the absolute sense; he
will see his Saviour and the Lord of all, Jesus Christ-the one and only way to
eternal Life; the peerless teachings of the Master of all masters, Jesus
Christ. He will finally find that all the philosophies of the world and
teachings of the saints which seem perfect, when viewed through certain directions,
and in certain life situations, come to an end. All will prove themselves
futile before certain other problems or other life situations. (Refer the
commentary on
‘Mahabarat’ by late Sri. Joseph Mundasseri). Ultimately he will see the
sterling beauty of the teachings of Jesus Christ. He will find His teachings which seem
impractical to the carnal mind of man, when put to practice, is perfectly
efficacious, in all circumstances, for all problems and at
all times. The Psalmist says - “I have seen an end of all perfections; but Thy
(God’s) commandment is exceeding broad” (Psalms 119:96, O.K.J.V). The blessed
man sees an end or limit to all worldly
ideas and philosophies, which are acclaimed as perfect, when he sees God’s
commandment .i.e. we cannot compare any worldly ideas, philosophies or
doctrines with God’s words.
great people teach that there are many ways for the salvation of our souls, and
Jesus Christ is one of them. The Bible discards it emphatically and says: “The
way of peace they do not know and there is no judgment (discernment) in their
paths, they have made their roads crooked, no one who goes in them knows peace”
(Isaiah 59: 8). One of the prophecies about Jesus Christ says: “and this Man
shall be called peace” (Micah 5:5). If a man tries to find out a way to
salvation, other than Jesus Christ, he will never succeed. The real and genuine
peace which the world cannot give, and none can take from us is given by Jesus
Christ alone. (John 14:27).
trying to learn the Bible, I realized one thing beyond doubt- I am too little
to learn and understand the Bible; but I just cannot resist the immense
treasure of eternal life flowing from ‘Genesis’ to ‘Revelation.’ It is the most
joyous thing in life to sit beside this ocean of eternal life and look into it.
I do know that it is unfathomable in depth and width. Let this little (myself)
look into the Deep (the Bible or God’s thoughts, God’s Spirit or God’s heart
–Psalm 92:5, Psalm 42:7).